Monday, November 12, 2012

Letters from Scotland

Simon´s letter

Dear mom and dad!!
Last week I went to Edinburg in Scotland. I saw a lot of things and I ate on a café called Elephant house, I had fish and chips, and drank some hot chocolate. And do you know that J. K Rowling wrote Harry Potter on that café? After that it started to rain and I took the train back to the hotel.


Letters from Scotland.

Simone's letter.

Dear mom and dad.
Yesterday we were in Scotland's capitol Edinburg. We went shopping for some hours, but got hungry and stopped at a cafe named The Elephant House. I got Tortilla chips and some hot chocolate (Weird combi i know). 
In the time we were there one of the teachers start talking about that it was here J. K. Rowling wrote the famous book "Harry Potter", she told that before she wrote it she was very poor, but that she now is one of the most rich and famous writers in the world.
After that we went back to the house and played some games and stuff.

Love Simone.
Phone Call to Simon's mom from Scotland.

Simon - Hey mom!

Mom - Hey Sweetheart!

Simon - We arrived a couple hours ago, so i just wanted to sum up :-)

Mom - That's great darling, how is everything up there?

Simon - Everything is fine, thanks. The weather is really great accept the fact that it's raining. We had some
of the traditional food called haggish, which tasted really bad... and did some shopping while we were in town to by something else. Anyway, we live in the mountains and there's a lot of animals, it's really cool.

Mom - It sounds wonderful dear! Remember to send me a postcard!

Simon - Of cause mom :-) Love you mom.

Mom - Love you to darling, ill see you.

Simon - See you, Bye.

End of the phone call.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Awesome pictures of Scotland!

By Simon, Thor & Simone
Hello guys!

We are three kids from Denmark, and are making a blog about Scotland. Here's a little facts about us :-)

Hi! My name is Simon and i like to game, and do parkour. I live in Ry with my family and my dog, Laban.
I know about Scotland:
That Loch Ness is a lake in Scotland.
That James Bond was born there.
J. K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter on a café named The Elephant House in Scotland's Capitol Edinburg.

Hi! I'm Simone, i'm 15 years old.
I live in Gl. Rye, with my dad, sister, 6 cats, 2 chickens, 1 guinea pig and 1 fish, he's name is Olli. I also live in Silkeborg with my mom, my sister, 2 horses and 1 cat.
In my spare time i dance, hanging out with my friends much and making a lot of food, to my friend Helene.
I don't have  a boyfriend, because i'm forever alone :(
I kinda know the same about Scotland as my friend Simon, so...

Hi! My name is Thor, i'm 14.
I live between Ry and Gl. Rye, with my Mom and my little brother, a dog, 4 cats and 2 horses.
I play guitar, swim, workout, and i produce a little :I
I know uhm..... not so much about Scotland sooo.... eh :I

Enjoy the blog! :-D