Monday, November 12, 2012

Phone Call to Simon's mom from Scotland.

Simon - Hey mom!

Mom - Hey Sweetheart!

Simon - We arrived a couple hours ago, so i just wanted to sum up :-)

Mom - That's great darling, how is everything up there?

Simon - Everything is fine, thanks. The weather is really great accept the fact that it's raining. We had some
of the traditional food called haggish, which tasted really bad... and did some shopping while we were in town to by something else. Anyway, we live in the mountains and there's a lot of animals, it's really cool.

Mom - It sounds wonderful dear! Remember to send me a postcard!

Simon - Of cause mom :-) Love you mom.

Mom - Love you to darling, ill see you.

Simon - See you, Bye.

End of the phone call.

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